Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wrapping Up the Week

We had a good week! Lots of learning going on. Just a few reminders for next week!

** Please remember we have a Social Studies test on Communities this Tuesday, September 20th. The Study Guide was purple and went home last week. We'll spend the next few weeks working on maps and how to read a map using cardinal directions.

** I've uploaded the new Spelling Words on Spelling City so practice, practice, practice!! Our Spelling Test will be on Thursday. We've added dictation to our test too. I read a sentence or two and the kids write it. Remind your child what goes at the beginning of a sentence and at the end of a sentence. Also, we struggled with ABC order earlier this week. We will practice more in class, but this is something that you can practice at home too!

** This week we'll be working on making predictions and inferences in our reading. I'd love to have a parent come in and play a Prediction Bingo game with a small group of kids one day this week. We do stations in the morning. Let me know if you're interested!!

** We started a short unit in Math on Friday. We're reviewing how to measure lines in centimeters. We also talked about how we can break this line up into partner lengths. For example, if the line is 6cm long, where can we draw a break apart to show the partners for 6?

Questions/activities for your child this weekend:
What promises did you make Mrs. Kellett about being a good, strong reader?
Practice drawing lines using a centimeter ruler. Ask them how they can divide it into partner lengths.
Practice identifying the subject (WHO) and the predicate (WHAT) in a sentence.
Ask them about their Idea Notebook for their journals. Have them write you a story using an idea they wrote down!

I was able to get a few pictures of grandparents that came for breakfast on Thursday. If I missed you, I'm sorry! I was happy to see so many visitors and I know your grandchild enjoyed having you there! Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy this cooler weather!!

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