Friday, September 23, 2011

Rainy Week

What a gross week! Indoor recess 3 out of 5 days? Blah... but we definitely stayed busy inside! Your kids are such amazingly smart hard workers. I want to share with you just a few things that went on this week...

While children are in stations, it gives me a chance to pull smaller groups back to my table. During this time we may read a book together, build comprehension skills, or play a game that goes along with a certain skill such as contractions or long vowels. It gives your child a chance to get more individualized instruction based on what they need to succeed. 

In one of my groups, we did an activity today called Making Words. Students were given 6 letters and we used those letters to see how many words we could make! We started with 2 letter words and then added on as we went. All 6 letters can be put together to make the Bonus Word. Miss Hannah figured out the Bonus Word before we even got to it! Way to go Hannah!!

In another group, we read a book about sea monsters. We learned that certain critters in the ocean are considered monsters because they are deadly and dangerous! After we talked about the book, I wanted the students to do some research. They picked a sea monster and created a Glog (an interactive poster) to teach the class. I let them be the experts today and share what they had learned! I included a link to both their Glogs on Glogsters. Please keep in mind this was mostly done by them. I just got them started... I was VERY impressed!
 Aaron working hard at the computer.
 One of the groups -- Luke and Xander. They chose to do their research on Manta Rays.
Aaron wanted to work solo on some research about Sea Snakes.

In writing this week, we talked about ways we can put our voice and personality into our writing. Yesterday we read a book called Mr. Tanen's Ties. Mr. Tanen is crazy about his ties! He has one to match his personality every day. The kids then decorated their own ties to show their personality. Today we got a chance to write about those things we enjoy. Julien did an excellent job of making his voice and personality shine through his writing!

 This was his tie.
"Soccer is my passion cause when I wake up my heart is beating fast! So when I start my soccer game I'm filled up with power. I got the game. And when I got the game I mean I got the game! Oh yeah! And my teammates are really good just like me and we all won. It was hard to win. It was really really hard to win."

And last, to end this rainy week, we practiced measuring the perimeters of shapes with... SKITTLES! Yum!! What a great way to end the week!

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