Saturday, September 17, 2011

Being a Reading Coach

This week we talked about how we can be good partner readers. When we partner read, we think of ourselves like a Reading Coach. A coach supports, encourages, and helps, but DOES NOT do the work for them (or blurt out the word)! Luckily I had some great coaches help me read a story to the class. They helped remind me of different strategies I can use if I come to a tricky word. We're going to review these strategies in more detail during the next week fews. I wanted the whole class to practice so here are just a few pictures of us being Reading Coaches!

 When we partner read, the book should be in the middle so that both people can see!
 Oh Aaron, I hope you don't bump your head!
 Katie Beth is being a good listener while Lauren reads her page.
One partner is not the boss -- we have to compromise on what book to read and how we're going to read it. Luke and Xander have no problems coming to an agreement on what to do!
Hunter and Abby look very focused on their book! In fact, I think this is one of the new ones Hunter picked out from the Book Swap.

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