Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sentence Fluency

This past week we learned about another trait of writing -- Sentence Fluency. We talked about how the sentences in our writing should be different lengths, they should flow, and they should make sense. To practice writing sentences of different lengths, the kids worked together in groups. They took turns rolling dice. Whatever number they rolled was how long their sentence needed to be. All their sentences had to flow into the same idea for a story. They were pretty cute!

My little dog's name is Momo. He wants to play everyday! And he is very small and playful. He is so cuddly like a puppy.
She teaches us when we are school. I think she's nice. We start our day which morning tubs. She teaches us math.
 One day we went to the beach. We laid out in the sun. We played out in the sun. We stayed in a huge condo and it had two pools.
Give me your money! They police looked everywhere for the missing diamond. Boom! They looked in a haunted house. Boom! Help! Help! I'm getting robbed. Boom! Ha! We found the diamond! Hooray!
When I get to college I will go to Clemson University. I will be a happy cheerleader. The boys will be strong football players.
Today our class bought a unicorn for a class pet. Now our unicorn is being mean to us.

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