Thursday, September 8, 2011

Making Reading Fun

Some of you may be struggling with getting your child to read at home. Here are some tips to hopefully get your child excited about reading.

- Fill your home library with books your child WANTS to read. If they like dinosaurs, let them pick out dinosaur books. Ask them what they enjoy reading and let them have a say in the books they choose!

- Start your own parent-child book club. Let your child pick a book and both of you read it. Afterwards, sit down and discuss the book. What did you like? Not like? How would you change it?

- If you had some old family pictures, let your child use those to create their OWN book. Glue the pictures onto construction paper and have them write about their family adventure.

- Read together every night. Make it a special time for you to sit down with your child. Take turns reading or just listen. It can be part of your nightly routine. Just knowing that you want to take the time and listen to them makes them feel special. They enjoy it more than you'll ever know! :)

- Have a no TV Night. Instead of sitting and watching TV, get the snacks ready and snuggle up together with a bunch of books. You can read together or each of you read your own thing.

- Get more involved with the library! Get a library card together and go weekly to check out books. Local libraries usually have a lot of programs available for kids too (and they are FREE!)

- Have a Book Character Dinner. Pick a night and each person come as their favorite book character. During dinner, you guys can share why you like that particular character.

- Use the Internet for online books. Tumblebooks is a GREAT resource. The kids use this in class, but I'd be happy to send home log-in information. I'm also going to be sending home another website -- Raz Kids. Be on the lookout for instructions for accessing this at home!

Happy Reading!

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