Saturday, August 25, 2012

A New School Year

I had such a wonderful, relaxing summer! It's hard to believe it's over... It seems we wait SO long for it to get here and then it just flies by! But I am excited about a brand new school year. I've got 26 sweet children who will help make this school year fantastic! I spent a lot of time trying to organize and get the room ready. A lot of things are very similar to last year... but there are a few minor changes!

I love, love, love my wine rack turned marker holder. This is a much easier way to pick out the colors that we need!
The view when you walk through the door. I love how bright it looks!
 Play-Doh Morning Work ready to go for the first day!
My desk... notice all the junk on it. It seems like each morning it starts out clear, and by the end of the day I can't see the bottom of it!

My new bench seat for our Listening Center. All my books and cds are underneath.

Writing Station... fully stocked with pencils, glue, paper, stamps, notebooks...

My library... minus a bookshelf! I have a new one coming for all those book baskets, but it hasn't made it to school yet. Fingers crossed it will be here soon!!

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