Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dr. Seuss - Green Eggs and Ham

We just completed an author study on Dr. Seuss! We had so much fun these last 2 weeks learning about Dr. Seuss' life, what made him become an author, and of course, reading so many of his books! We were able to make lots of different connections, discuss themes, explain cause and effect, and compare/contrast character traits. Even though we learned a lot, we had some fun too! :)

Green Eggs and Ham

Dr. Seuss was challenged to write a book using only 50 different words. The kids were simply amazed by this! This book is definitely one of our favorites! After reading the story, I had a challenge for the kids. I wanted them to make a text-to-self connection and write about a time someone pestered them to do something (just like Dr. Seuss' editor), however, I wanted them to try to respond using ONLY 75 TOTAL words. They took it very seriously...

We had 4 friends who were able to succeed in the challenge! They really are quite funny...





To wrap up such a fun book and activity, we ate our own version of green eggs (vanilla pudding dyed green with a vanilla wafer in the middle!). Yuuummmm!!!

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