Tuesday, February 7, 2012


We spent some time learning so many different forms of writing. We've practiced writing notes, friendly letters, and recipes. In order to write a recipe, we needed to learn how to read and FOLLOW a recipe. Sooo.... why not bake a cake?! Mrs. Kellett is definitely not much of a baker, but even I can follow a strict recipe on the back of a box! I'm glad I have so many friends to help me.

We laid out our ingredients first. We wanted to make sure we didn't forget anything.

Luke helped me spray the pan. He seemed to enjoy this a little too much! :)

My helpers -- Alex, Cody, and Johanna helped crack eggs. Angus helped measure and pour the oil. And Lauren added the most important part -- the cake mix!!

 And drumroll please......

Our final product!! It was verrryyy yummy!!

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