Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Things

Meet the Teacher was a HUGE success tonight! I was so happy to see so many familiar faces AND meet the new friends joining our class this year. Overall it seems like most of the kids can't wait to be back and that gives me such a fabulous feeling. I was telling my mom on the way home how excited I am to get back into the swing of things and put all my new ideas into place. One of the challenges of looping up with the same group is trying to make this year a little different from last year. I've been on the hunt for all kinds of new ideas.

One of the ideas I am going to try this year is a monthly Book Swap. I want my students to enjoy reading and why not share that love with their classmates? The students really get to know each other's likes/dislikes and interests throughout the year. With that knowledge, they can suggest books for their classmates to read. Maybe they read a really awesome book about hurricanes and the person who sits at their table loves weather. If they've already read the book and don't plan on reading it again, why not swap it out with another book?

My goal is for this to provide a way for a variety of books to get into the hands of my students. Also, I want my students to gain an appreciation for reading different books their classmates may recommend. PLUS, it's cheap, easy, and something fun to look forward to! (I was always that kid that asked my teacher everyday when the Scholastic Order was going to finally be delivered.)

This is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL and not required. Your child may wish to participate one month, and not the next... that's fine. At the beginning of each month, I will send home a sheet for you to start writing down the books you're child is going to swap. Please return this along with the books to school before Book Swap Day. If they bring in 3 used ones, then they take 3 "new" ones back home. Our Book Swap will take place on the last Friday of every month (except for the month of September).

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me!

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