This week we've been reviewing the 6 Traits of Writing (ideas, organization, word choice, voice, sentence fluency, and conventions). Our lesson on Monday focused on the Voice trait. We talked about how when we write, we need to make sure we show emotions using strong words and how we need to match our writing voices with each character. We've all heard the story of the 3 Little Pigs right? And that Big, Bad Wolf? Well.. we read a version from the Wolf's perspective. The author does such a great job making us belive the story is being told from the Wolf's point of view. The book is below:

The kids then got to work with a partner. Their job was to recreate the story using 3 of their own little creatures and 1 big, bad creature. They had to decide who was going to be telling the story. They turned out SO cute and the kids had SO much fun! This isn't all of them.. I'm typing the rest of them up and will post the rest tomorrow. Besides some added words and some spelling fixes, these were ALL their own ideas!!
The Three Little Kittens
By Reagan and Bailey
One perfect day three little kittens were going on a trip for a month! The big bad elephant was going to the three little houses made out of yarn, foam, and paper and [he] blew the houses down. And the kittens got back and they had nowhere to stay. They were homeless.
The Three Little Kitties
Mary Sullivan and Kellyanne
Once upon a time there were three kitties. Their mother sent them to build houses of their own so the first one made [one] out of straw and one sticks and a brick one. The big bad dog found a way down the chimney but he fell down into steaming hot stew and he got eaten. The end.
The Big Bad Monkey and the 3 Little Sheep
By Cody and Destiny
The first sheep lived in a glass house. The next lived in a banana tree house and [the third] in a black house. The big bad monkey jumped on all the houses. They fell apart. They became friends. The banana house got eaten.
The True Story of the Crocodile and the Monkey
By Xander and Angus
Once upon a time there was a crocodile and 3 monkeys. The crocodile was making a book for his mother but he didn’t have any crayons so he asked his neighbor. It was made out of hay. He knocked. Nobody answered but he felt a sneeze. AHCHOO! It broke the house. He ate the monkey. So he went on. The next house was made of sticks. He knocked. Nobody answered. He felt a sneeze. AHCHOO! It fell down! The next house was made out of bricks. He knocked. Nobody answered. He felt a sneeze. It didn’t fall down. The army came and he went to jail.
The Big House
by Lauren and Hunter
Three little puppies lived in a big big house. A dragon sneezed and coughed and [it] did not work! The mom came in and she kicked the dragon up in space.
Once upon a time there lived 3 kittens and a Big Bad Puppy. WOOF. The puppy was super duper mean!!!! The first kitten’s house was made of yarn, the second kitten’s house was made of cans of tuna, and the third kitten’s house was made of steak. So the puppy went to all the kitten’s houses and ate them up. So the kittens made a house out of sticks and three kittens lived very happy. The end.
- Alex and Baylee
A bear is making chocolate cake. He needs chocolate so he goes to one little tiger’s home. [It] was made out of trees. He knocked on the door. The tiger said “Go Away!” so he blowed the home. The next tiger’s home was made out of leaves. The tiger said “Get lost” so he blowed the home. The last tiger’s home was made out of hay. The tiger said “Don’t come back.” So he blowed the home. The cop got the bear. He said to the cop, “Can I have chocolate?” He said, “No.” The end.
- Dimitri and Daniel
** Thank to those who have sent in items for our map activity on Thursday! Items are due tomorrow!!
** Grits for Grans RSVP forms are due on Friday. Please get those back ASAP.
** MAP testing began today in the Computer Lab. We will test again on Friday morning. Please make sure your child gets to sleep early on Thursday and eats a healthy breakfast on Friday morning. This is a chance for your child to show me what they already know! We will discuss their scores at our conferences in October.
** I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at Open House on Tuesday, September 6th. Your child has so much to show you!!