Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pop Star Day

On Tuesday, we had Pop Star day! Lucky for us, our End of the Year Countdown activity for the day was listen to music. We totally rocked out to some Kids' Bop throughout the day!

We were lucky enough to see a performance from the Wren High School Show Chorus. I loved watching the kids' expressions as they listened to and watched them perform. They couldn't believe that several of the singers had also been Concrete Crickets!

Alex's mom, Mrs. Krinke, came in to give us some information on her job. She uses thermal energy to detect problems in buildings and houses, fridges and freezers in the grocery stores, and also our bodies!

She has a special camera that she uses to help her detect problems. In our bodies, places that show  warmer colors such as oranges and reds may be places of injury. For example, when Alex fell and hurt her ankle, it showed these warmer colors. White is actually the warmest color of them all! She took a picture of our class to see "who the hottest" was, but I left those pictures on my school computer! The kids thought it was the most awesome thing ever!!

Thank you Mrs. Krinke for taking time out of your busy day to come to our classroom! We really enjoyed seeing your pictures and hearing all about your job!

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