Thursday, March 1, 2012

Class Elections

To teach the class about the voting process, we had a class election. We began by voting in a primary election. The kids nominated someone they felt would be a good candidate for our Class President. I made the rule that they could NOT vote for themselves! After the votes were counted, I announced the 4 candidates for Class President: Cody, Lauren, Luke, and Abby.

The next step was for the class to pick a candidate and help campaign. They created posters that we hung around the room. We talked about how it's important to try to come up with a catchy slogan!

Our candidates had the weekend to write their speeches to present to the class. They put a lot of thought into what they wanted to say. They were truthful, caring, and well written! Unfortunately, Abby was sick the day we gave speeches so they did not get to present on voting day.


His speech


His Speech

Cody also made cupcakes for the class.


Her Speech

After listening to each speech, the rest of the class had their chance to vote! It was a hard choice, but the winner is....

I was extremely impressed with each candidate's speech. I feel certain each candidate would have made an excellent Class President! Lauren is doing such a fantasic job fufilling her presidential duties! :)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. I'm looking at doing a similar project with my Second Grade class to expand upon and liven up our Government unit. I like the election process you used, but I'm curious as to what happened after that? What did your "class president" do, were their follow up lessons and discussions, and for how long did the project last? Cheers.
