Sunday, September 11, 2011

Busy Week!

This is going to be a very busy week! The Fall Fundraiser AND the Book Fair end on Tuesday. School pictures are on Wednesday. Grandparents Days for 2nd grade is on Thursday. Our Book Swap is on Friday. Got all that?

Some Important Things This Week:

Math - Our first Math test will be on Thursday. It will cover Unit 1. I'm sending home a practice Math test for homework this week! Please practice solving math facts with missing totals and partners, and creating a story problem to match. We will also cover greater than and less than tomorrow.

Social Studies - We will wrap up the first half of our unit on Communities. On Tuesday we will learn the difference between rural, urban, and suburban communities. A study guide went home on Friday for our test which will be on Tuesday, September 20th. We'll have a Review Day on Thursday using the CLICKERS (your kids have been asking about these things since school started!!)

Reading - Our Book Swap is still on for Friday! We've got lots of books coming in and ready to go to a new home. Continue to read each night with your child. We're still working on our Reading Stamina. Have a mini competition at home!!

I know you've all been anxiously waiting for this.. Katie Beth and Abby have finished their story!

Dog Story

Well I am a dog. I need some bones for a bones cake because it's my Dad's birthday. So I went to my next door neighbor to get some bones. And as I just started to say to that cat, he yelled, "Get out of here!" It was mean so I went to his next door neighbor. Then well you get the idea.
* * *
Have a wonderful week. Keep checking back for updates on all the fun things happening in our room. I'll end with a picture of our fabulous friend with some pretty snazzy, new glasses!

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