Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A look into our first few days...

Ohmygosh.. let me brag about our day!! We did SUCH a wonderful job today -- getting our work done, listening, following directions. I am so impressed!! Your child started a special project that we'll have on display during Open House. They were pretty excited about it!! Some of us had a chance to share our favorite books. It's so neat to hear why they chose the book they brought. Those who didn't share will have a chance tomorrow and Friday!

I promised pictures so here you go!! Again, it's been a great 2 days. I'm so lucky to have your child in my class. Their excitement and happiness make all the time and effort DEFINITELY worth it! :) I hope they've enjoyed these past 2 days as much as I have!

 Getting ready to begin our first day!
 Look at those sweet faces!
 The kids filled in apple puzzle pieces about themselves. They wrote about their favorite sport, book, food and many other things.
 Look at that amazing 2nd grade line!
 The line is too long to get into just one picture.

 After they filled in the puzzles, we cut them out. I mixed up ALL the pieces and in small groups they tried to see if they could put their puzzle back together.

 They all did such a great job. I loved Abby's pictures!

Our class...
They wanted to take a goofy one too. They are so silly!

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