Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Day Back

First workday back and I feel like I've finally got most of my room ready! I hope everyone is planning on attending Open House tomorrow night. I'm really looking forward to seeing all my little friends from last year AND meeting our new ones. Open House is a DROP-IN so feel free to come anytime from 4:30-6pm. Please bring school supplies if you have them -- baskets will be outside the classroom for you to sort and drop them off.

Please go ahead and have your child be thinking of their favorite book to bring to the class to share. We will try to share these the 2nd day of school. All books will be returned.

Here is a sneak peek of our room for this year... I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!

 View when you walk in!
Part of my classroom library  
The other half of my library! Can you tell I want my students to READ, READ, READ?! 
Listening station... equipped with iPod Shuffles  
 Writing Station
 Look at all those colorful baskets!!
 Calendar and station board
New behavior chart... trying something new this year and can't wait to see how it goes!

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